As a church, we give because of the grace and generosity God has given us. We are not under compulsion to give; rather, we should offer cheerfully what God has placed on our hearts with grace. This giving is described in the Bible as being God-directed and love-motivated (2 Cor. 8:2-8). It is the generous and regular giving of the congregation that supports our mission as a church seeking the renewal of London.
Currently there are 2 ways to give:
Online transfer
If you have access to online banking, you’re able to set up regular giving through Standing Order, or one-off gifts by BACS transfer. By giving directly into the church account, there is no cost to the church or the individual. The church our account details are:
Commonwealth Christian Fellowship
Acct: 56048785
Sort Code: 50-41-06
NatWest Bank is a free, highly secure platform that has been tailor-made for churches and ministries. There is a small fee that gets deducted from your donation (1.9% + 30p per transaction).