Our Students
Our Students are men and women from all cultures and walks of life. WLI is designed to provide in-serviceĀ training for ministry. Those who have been involved in lay or volunteer ministry over a significant period of time will be able to gain credit from this towards their diploma with WLI. Service such as deacon, elder, Sunday School teacher, prayer leader, small group or cell leader, worship leader, etc. may qualify. No previous academic credentials are required for entrance into any of the diploma programs, except the ability to read and write.
WLI trains and equips men and women for leadership positions in local churches and parachurch ministries. It provides an earned training credential for church and ministry leaders. Our goal is to equip you with the necessary skills for effective ministry. It is designed especially, although not exclusively, to meet the needs of leaders who have become a part of the New Apostolic Reformation. For literally thousands of these leaders, and others as well, the present educational system designed for Christian ministers is virtually inaccessible.
Your total Christian Education: including Bible College, conferences, and other Bible courses – plus any secular education – are added to your years of lay ministry or full-time ministry in order to determine your educational standing. Each student is assessed and placed in the appropriate level program: bachelors, masters, or doctorate level. The remaining units needed to earn an advanced diploma are obtained in a variety of ways.