It’s About Authority!
Authority. Something stronger than power. Power can be said to be a force. Authority is the element of control, over a force.
I heard the Lord clearly say to me in this season that its going to be about authority. He said clearly, “I’ve given you authority. What are you going to do with your authority this year? The major battles of the year will be over authorities in the earth’s governments; who will wield the authority. My men and women, are still my greatest vessels of My authority in the earth. It is time to exercise it in extreme dimension.”
When you’ve heard a message or teaching over the years several times, there can be a tendency to shut down due to the familiarity of it, when God desires to impregnate you with it’s truth. I found myself saying the familiar verse over and over again. “I’ve given you authority, over all the power of the enemy. I’ve given you AUTHORITY, over all the power of the enemy. I’ve given you authority, over ALL the power of the enemy. I’ve given YOU, authority, over ALL the POWER of the enemy.” I don’t know how to describe that sense that comes, that clarity that captures you, when suddenly words from heaven slam into your spirit with a previously inexperienced finality. They strike home. They’re no longer a teaching, but a revelation, a dawning, an awakening, a certainty.
Luke 10:19
Behold, I give unto you power to tread on serpents and scorpions, and over all the power of the enemy: and nothing shall by any means hurt you.
Jesus Christ said to His disciples, (of which we are included) that He has given us all authority, over all the power of the devil, and nothing by any means would harm us. That’s still His word, and still His intent. Because this is already reawakening in so many spirits of so many of God’s people, there is evident a new boldness, almost a fierceness, about pressing the Kingdom of God home in our cities. People who were sitting down are standing up. People who were silent are shouting and declaring their faith to the winds. We’re simply entering into the seventh march around our Jerichos, and we’re hearing the command of heaven to break open our jars and let the flame of God out.
Proverbs 20:13b says, “…Open your eyes, and you WILL be satisfied with bread.” Do NOT miss the God given opportunities that are coming your way in this time! Your eyes must be open today like never before. God has not forgotten you, or passed you by. Use this authority to make your own, what God has declared to be your own. It’s your time, because God says it high time for His people to rise up to the position in authority that He’s always planned for them to walk.
Of course our enemy will challenge this new sense that’s slammed into our spirits; that’s part of his job. Don’t be deterred by his shoutings and ramblings, just follow the book of God and His voice. It will lead you well. Remember that we are CONDEMNED to victory in Christ Jesus! Paul said, “Thanks be unto God who ALWAYS leads us into triumph in Christ Jesus.” This is why we will persevere and be empowered through His Spirit as scripture tells us in Colossians 1:11 (Amplified Bible). However we are still expected to “exercise” our authority in this time boldly.
[We pray] that you may be invigorated and strengthened with all power according to the might of His glory, [to exercise] every kind of endurance and patience (perseverance and forbearance) with joy.
Remember that authority isn’t power, it’s that which directs power. The oldest but best illustration is still that of a car, full of “power” coming down the street, but a “man,” with the uniform of a policeman can stand in front of the car and the car will stop. Not because the man has more power, but because of the authority the man represents.
It’s our decision to rise up, study up again, and open our eyes to where God is expecting us to exercise His authority, that He’s GIVEN us, and direct the power that He put in us, the power of the Holy Spirit, to build His Kingdom It’s up to us to rise up, and take that same authority, and stop the power of the enemy. We CAN do it, or God wouldn’t have told us to.
This is the time of God’s authority. What are YOU going to do with it?